Kratom: The Popular Yet Controversial Herbal Supplement

Kratom, an herbal product derived from an Asian tree, has gained significant popularity in the United States, with nearly two million Americans using it in 2021. Despite its widespread availability in convenience stores and gas stations, kratom remains a subject of debate among health professionals and regulators.

Proponents tout kratom as an energy booster, mood enhancer, and pain reliever. However, the FDA lists it as a “drug of concern” due to potential side effects and addiction risks. The lack of rigorous scientific research has left many questions unanswered about its safety and efficacy.

Dr. Christopher McCurdy, a professor at the University of Florida, emphasizes the need for more studies, stating, “We really don’t have a scientific understanding of the safety or the efficacy of the product.” For a comprehensive overview of kratom’s potential benefits and risks, readers can refer to the full article on National Geographic.

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