Kratom Faces Increasing Scrutiny as States and Cities Implement Bans

Kratom, a controversial herb known for its opioid-like effects, is facing mounting regulatory challenges across the United States. Despite the absence of federal guidelines, several states and cities are moving forward with bans and restrictions on its sale and use. This push stems from growing concerns over kratom’s safety profile and its potential for abuse, as highlighted in a recentĀ NBC News article.

Proponents of kratom argue that it offers therapeutic benefits, particularly for pain management and opioid withdrawal. However, critics point to the lack of standardized dosing and the risks of contamination, which have been linked to adverse health outcomes. As the debate continues, local governments are taking action to protect public health, leaving kratom’s legal status in a state of flux. The ongoing crackdowns underscore the urgent need for comprehensive research and regulation at the federal level.

FDA's Kratom Study W
California Shelves K
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