Kratom Taken in Raid

A very careful reading of the press release announcing the raid, which took what the U.S. Food & Drug Administration said was $5 million dollars worth of kratom off the market, could leave the average person scratching their head.

The FDA filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California alleging that kratom is an unapproved new drug and a misbranded drug under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Unfortunately, the true crime seems to be promoting the cessation of addiction, without the medically approved creation of a new, more-tenacious addiction to another set of pharmaceutical drugs under the care of a medical doctor or professional drug rehab counselor.

This all boils down to a turf battle between the established monopoly the pharmaceutical industry has over the distribution of products and information about those products and a brash new herb which has burst onto the U.S. market as a better solution to the U.S. opioid addiction crisis.

They are protected from competition by an herb with considerable medical research behind it an herb, kratom, that is preferred by hundreds of thousands of U.S. opioid, heroin, and benzodiazepine drug addicts.

FDA suppressing Kratom

The Case for Kratom
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