The Case for Kratom

After trying kratom once, most are ecstatic that, as they put it, Kratom has given me my life back!

If you’ve been following the news about the lawsuits filed by the City of Chicago and two large California counties alleging that five pharmaceutical companies knowingly deceived doctors and regulators to market Oxycontin and other powerful opioids as having very little addiction potential, you know addiction can happen to anyone.

Another key benefit that Kratom has been providing your city, county, or state at no cost to taxpayers: Kratom has been used traditionally to gently break the bonds of opium and heroin addiction.

As a natural painkiller Kratom permits narcotic and other drug users to break their habit at home, without expensive drug rehab counseling, which usually involves introducing them to new drugs which they tell me are more addictive than heroin.

Of course opiate and alcohol rehab clinics HATE kratom and are eager to tell fibs about how kratom is just like Bath Salts .
Appeal to Kratom Bans

Kratom the Painkille
Kratom Taken in Raid
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