American Kratom Association Questions DEA on Kratom Concerns

ARKANSAS – Everyday 91 people die from the opioid epidemic, according to the CDC, but some claim there’s a natural remedy that could be the cure.

The American Kratom Association refuses to back down from what it views as positives despite the DEA’s concern over whether kratom should be illegal. Kratom is a tropical tree from Southeast Asia. It was banned in Arkansas last year.

According to the DEA’s website, kratom is listed as a “drug of concern” and some doctors claim it simply isn’t safe.

Dr. Tammy Tucker is a Family Practice Physician. She said the plant can cause multiple symptoms like vomiting, dizziness, all the way to seizures, coma and potentially even death.

The American Kratom Association filed a Freedom of Information Act requesting any communication between the DEA and lawmakers be released.
Kratom proponents hope to change the conversation and show the benefits of kratom through research.

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