New Law in Alabama Outlaws Kratom

In the state of Alabama, Senate Bill 226, which was created due to the dangerous effects involving the use of kratom, was signed by Bentley on May 10 and took effect immediately upon his signature.

The law makes the sale and/or possession of kratom or any product containing kratom a Class D felony, punishable by a year and a day to five years in prison.

A joint effort is being conducted to inform local business owners of the new law and make them have any products containing kratom removed from the business. Some of the products being sold that contain kratom are Green Vein, Krishina Green Malay, Krazy Kratom, K Chill, Kali Gree Indo, Shiva Red Maeng Da, Phoria, Mitra Red Boreno, Space-K-det, Vita-Lize, Viva-Zen, Rela-K-zpro, K-shot, Dr. K and Matrix, among others.

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