Addiction Tx With Ketamine; Kratom Censure; Gambling Teens

Not so surprising: chronic physical conditions upped the risk for chronic mental health conditions by 50% in kids. (Pediatrics)

A single IV infusion of ketamine helped people with cocaine dependence maintain abstinence when paired with mindfulness behavioral modification. (American Journal of Psychiatry)

The FDA issued warning letters to two distributors of kratom products for selling “illegal, unapproved” items that claimed to cure opioid addiction, depression, and anxiety.

New research showed nearly a quarter of young men and 5% of young women engaged in muscularity‐oriented disordered eating behaviors, such as overeating to bulk up or steroid use. (International Journal of Eating Disorders)

One potential pathway to schizophrenia is related to protein insolubility in the brain. (American Journal of Psychiatry)

Should there be better care for people experiencing a first manic episode of bipolar disorder? One group of researchers says “yes.” (ScienceDaily)

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Kratom As A Mood-Enh
Addiction Tx With Ke
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