Research and regulation are better approaches than prohibition for kratom

In recent years, the use of kratom has generated substantial attention and sparked intense debate. It has been alternately hailed as both a miracle supplement and a dangerous substance.

Despite an estimated 15 million users nationwide in the United States, there are still many people who don’t know what kratom is, where it comes from or how people use it.

Originating from Southeast Asia, this herbal supplement derived from the plant Mitragyna speciosa, a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family, has, for centuries, been consumed by native communities for various purposes, including social interactions, as an energy booster for manual labor, in religious and cultural ceremonies and to ease pain and discomfort.

The use of kratom in the United States has been growing over the past 40 years, as more and more consumers seek out natural herbal supplements as part of their wellness regimens.

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