West Virginia’s Legislative Focus: 2024 Farm Bill and Kratom Consumer Protection

In a recent meeting, the West Virginia Legislative Agriculture and Rural Development Committee reviewed updates on the upcoming 2024 Farm Bill and discussed the intricacies of the Kratom Consumer Protection Act. The 2024 Farm Bill, similar to its 2023 predecessor, is set to include new elements alongside readdressing previous items. These include land transfers and adjustments in agricultural definitions and public hearing requirements.

A key highlight of the meeting was the discussion around the Kratom Consumer Protection Act. This act, a part of West Virginia’s legislative efforts, aims to regulate the sale and use of kratom. It reflects the state’s initiative in addressing issues that are increasingly gaining national attention. Enforcement strategies and challenges were also discussed, illustrating the state’s proactive approach in consumer protection and substance regulation.

For more in-depth information on this meeting and the topics discussed, visit the original article on the West Virginia Press Association’s website here.

Exploring Kratom: A
Advocating for FDA R
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